Bring Sun to your room Next Generation of lighting: Transferring The Power of Artificial intelligence to promote human health! Optimized by evolution, uncovered by innovation.
The Sensors!
We monitor your indoor conditions with IoT sensors. This helps us to provide you with better lighting.
Measuring weather!
We also monitor outdoor weather condition. Don’t feel blue on a cloudy day anymore!
The processed data is subsequently used to perform intelligent lighting.
Light Edge’s Technology Works Easily!
Light Edge creates a healthy lighting for your home and office!
Using our technology your health is promoted!
Easy Installation!
Using our platform is very easy and dose not need any supervision!
Manage your own lighting!
With Light Edge’s gateway and cloud server, you can deploy your own home/office style network.
Customize lighting
A smart platform learns your habits and provides you with customized lighting
Turn light therapy into Reality with Light Edge